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[推荐读书心得] 书虫英文读书心得其六

当我们突然有了一些感悟时,我们可以将心中想要表达的话记录下来。写心得体会可以将自己的感悟条理化,关于心得体会如何下笔呢?小编收集并整理了“[推荐读书心得] 书虫英文读书心得其六”,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。

This book tells a story : Ralph Crewe lives in India with his little daughter Sara . He is a rich man , and he to make his daughter study better with her come to London to Miss Minchin school . For a start , Sara has many books , dolls and beautiful clothes , her life is like a princess.But the death of her father changed all that.Sara became a little teacher,a little maid , often on the street.But she has not lost princess temperament and courage . Sara still optimistic in life.Finally one day , his fathers friends to help Sara , so she became a princess again . This story is very touching.In the book the hero Sara persistent quality worthy of our study . When you feel the boundless future , dont get disheartened . To smile in the face of all . Not because of others evaluation and shake my faith . But to overcome the difficulties step forward , you will succeed . So , if you want to give up , must be important trismus go . C limb over the mountain , you will face the sea ! Read the《A Little Princess》this book, I harvest many others . These truths are so important , will accompany me all my life !



Three years ago , there has been a hot film named The DaVinci Code . This movie is very wonderful that make me get interested in the original . I think that the original must as good as the movie . After I had read The DaVinci Code that I feel the original is more excite and splendid .

The DaVinci Code is a popular suspense novel that written by Dan Brown .

Let us go to see the wonderful story together . The is a tale of mystery and suspense . Midnight , the elderly curator of the Louvre Museum have been killed in the great gallery of art . In the final moment of life , the curator stripped his clothes and then lie on the floor like the famous painting The Vitruvian Man of DaVinci . There was a elusive code next to his body . Langdon is a expert in code and he is the elderly curators good friend . Sophie is a genius expert to decipher code and she is curators granddaughter . Sophie wants to find the truth of her grandfathers death , so she ask Langdon to help her to decipher the code which beside her grandfather body . When they were processing these strange code they found that actually a series of clues were hidden in DaVinci s paintings . Langdon and Sophie found the curator is a member of a mysterious and the mysterious was always looking for a ground-breaking secret of history . It is a secret which could give people inspiration but also very dangerous . Langdon and Sophie started a battle of wits with a behind the mysterious . They toured extensively all over Paris and London , pursuit by police and a secret killer. Fortunately , they were finally unlock the secret that Sophie is not the curator s really granddaughter , in fact , she is Jesus s descendants .

I always do not like something about secret of religion before.

On the whole , this book is worth to read because it full of suspense , detective , religion struggle and so on .

今日读书心得: 围城读书心得英文翻译抄写作文1350字

当我们突然有了一些感悟时,我们应该会将自己的想法做个总结。通过不断的思想总结,可以进一步提升自己,对于写心得体会你会如何动笔呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“今日读书心得: 围城读书心得英文翻译抄写作文1350字”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。








有位文学评论家指出,钱钟书对婚姻如此悲观,应该是在牛津求学期间读了大量英国小说的缘故,尤其是伊夫利·沃(Evelyn Waugh)和奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)两位作家对他有很大影响。这位评论家的观点不无道理。另外,还有一点可能也有关系:钱钟书写《围城》时,他在上海有位关系很近的朋友,是研究福楼拜的专家。当时这位朋友正在翻译《包法利夫人》和《情感教育》。不过,我们同时也必须看到,恋爱关系有始无终,方鸿渐优柔寡断,受到家庭各种压力,这些方面的细节描写显然都绝对是中国特色的。

最后,或许也是最败兴的,从第一页开始,《围城》总离不开令人作呕的形象。人体——不光是方鸿渐的人体——通过口鼻而一再出错。晕船、晕机、晕车、吐酒、婴儿流口水,还有鼻涕。遇到这些描写,读者也奈何不得,只能往下读。或许有人会说,这些描写可能是受乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)的影响。也许确实如此,在现代文学和英国18世纪文学方面,钱钟书都是当之无愧的专家。钱钟书的这些描写倒还不仅仅是为了讽刺,他似乎是执意提醒我们,人的纯洁可望而不可及,我们的诗情画意到头来总是弄巧成拙,适得其反。

[读书感悟] 外国历史书籍读书心得其六

对于某件事我们产生了新的看法时,我们可以用笔写下最想表达的情感。一般来说,心得体会就是应用原文做导引,然后发表自己的意见。心得体会可以写哪些内容呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“[读书感悟] 外国历史书籍读书心得其六”,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。







The famous novel love life was a sensation in Europe and America, and has been praised Lenin. Works to show the nature of the strong, brave and adventurous spirit of romance, To Live strong will to attract me deeply, is excited about reading. This novel, by Jack London with great artistic strength to calm a soul-stirring account of the life and death struggle of the story, showing how to love life to help overcome the death of a person; Despite the Cross, the sick, exhausted, still in the struggle to keep up with bare hands in the back of a uniform E Lang, and the world of ice and snow through the wilderness struggling to come to the beach, was finally rescued by a whaler.

The tragic story, vividly demonstrates the great human and strength. Full display of the depths of human nature Moments, and vivid descriptions of a life's tenacity and strength, struck up a tenacious hymn to life, the spirits can be described as awesome.

Life itself contains enormous potential energy. Sometimes life is very fragile at the moment, it may come to naught life, but sometimes unusual strong, so strong was amazing. This allows you to power in the face of no matter what, even if you swallow is the wild, wild animals, or hunger, disease, and will support you bravely overcome it. And behind the scenes support life, the energy is no doubt that conviction. As long as the hearts of survival is also the belief that they do not easily give up their lives, On the other hand, love life, it is necessary to have faith, be pursued. When people have no faith, not the pursuit of life will become a full body, and what has been a dead?

In real life, it was untimely for the lament, a dream life, some people really do not intend to complain alive, but some people say life is painful and boring; not so in the belief that the instigation of life, what we see is too many. The life of emptiness and boredom, too much of the game of life, decadence and depressed too much, as well as bored to death The other day to see a report that China's current annual suicide cases in the most rural areas, and the pesticide is the culprit; It also reflects the number from the side of China's rural population is currently the overall quality of the city relative to be further enhanced. Encounter live or work in some of the difficulties small and not try to overcome resolved, but anger, the bigger things, the event will be much difficult. This novel of the same character to overcome obstacles, compared to the courage to survive difficult it is different. May be a lot of you have seen the show or people with Games for the Disabled, which the disable but tough-minded Warriors are difficult to overcome various difficulties and even torture, made even healthy people find it hard to complete the task. They are the love of life, difficulties with the courage to fight against a model.

Jack London's love life has given us a profound lesson: In order to achieve a life goal, it is necessary to life with all difficulties and obstacles on the road to do the life-and-death struggle, and daring to win. In the face of life and work of the difficulties and even life-threatening, we can not sit still; resistance only, Apart from the victory because we have no choice! This novel's main character in the face of many difficulties and obstacles, want to give up life and death choice is no longer easy, but he did not die willingly, he chose to fight. As a result, life must be pursued, it is necessary to live a very dynamic game, and strive for career achievements, we must learn to live in strong and learn to fight, so that we can live up to the life of the great trust in order to be worthy of life itself.

Let us never embrace of the great, tenacious of life; let Tree of Life evergreen!

[热搜读书心得] 龟兔赛跑英文读书心得(篇七)

当我们从一件事情上面受到启发,我们需要把自己的思想改变进行一个总结。汇报自己的心得体会能够让组织更了解你,你是否在烦恼心得体会怎么写呢?考虑到您的需要,小编特地编辑了“[热搜读书心得] 龟兔赛跑英文读书心得(篇七)”,但愿对您的学习工作带来帮助。

The book deeply impressed me ,because i leaned much more from it ,the book mainly said about a competition between tortoise and rabbit,rabbit must be winner if it can take the competition seriousely,but it lose the game finally .I'm going to summerise the reasons as follows: the rabbit is too conceited ,it is not a good thing that to be over proud of oneself ,beause it is easy to lose one's direction .secondly,the rabbit is sure to slight the tortoise,this point is the fatal to the rabbit ,you know every creature's potential is boundless,not except the tortoise,from the book we can see the tortoise make good use of the time that rabbit waste to sleep ,so time is everything,lastly,the tortoise is insistant,it has persistence to last ,this kind of quality is inspired,so we should learn from the story that persistence is most important,smile last is winner.


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