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ane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.


【热门读后感】 绿野仙踪英语读书心得100字其二

读一本好书就像和一个高尚的人说话,纵观世界上的伟大人物,他们无不是书籍的爱好者,在读过了作品,对于里面的情节非常感兴趣,我们可以通过文字把心中感受写出来,写一篇读后感。我们该如何去写作品的读后感呢?下面是小编为您精选的“【热门读后感】 绿野仙踪英语读书心得100字其二”,欢迎阅读,希望能为大家提供一些参考!

Dorothy lives on a farm in Kansas until a cyclone arrives, and picks her, her house, and her dog up and deposits them in the land of Oz. Things in Oz are strange and beautiful, but Dorothy just wants to get back home. She's helped by the Good Witch of the North, but she's also in trouble with the Wicked Witch of the West, who seeks revenge for the death of her sister; the Wicked Witch of the East, for which she blames Dorothy.

When a nasty neighbor tries to have her dog put to sleep, Dorothy takes her dog Toto, to run away. A cyclone appears and carries her to the magical land of Oz. Wishing to return, she begins to travel to the Emerald City where a great wizard lives. On her way she meets a Scarecrow who needs a brain, a Tin Man who wants a heart, and a Cowardly Lion who desperately needs courage. They all hope the Wizard of Oz will help them, before the Wicked Witch of the West catches up with them.

[热搜读后感] 英语读后感(一篇)

通过读书我们能够提高自身的素养,还能够开阔我们的视野。我们平时也需要多阅读一些书籍书籍,作品是作者写的,读后让人很受感动,令人感慨良多,为了充分回味作品这个作品,就可以好好写一篇读后感。为什么我们不能产出一篇自己的读书心得分享与他人呢?小编为大家整理了“[热搜读后感] 英语读后感(一篇)”,欢迎阅读,希望小编的分享可以为您带来帮助。

The book Wuthering Heights told us a story about love and revenge: the abandoned boy Heathdiff was adopted by Mr Eamshaw and lived with Mr Earnshaws son Hindley and daughter Cathiner. Hindley disliked Heathdiff. He insulted and maltreated Heathdiff in every possible way after Mr Earnshaws death. At the same time, peculiar emotion occurred between Cathiners and Heathdiff. Because of vanity and ignorance, Cathiner decided to mary Linton. Heathdiff left with anger. Three years later, Heathdiff returned to revenge. He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindleys and the Lintons. However, Cathiners ghost pestered him all the time, and he died in mental disorder.

To understand Wuthering Heights, you must know the auther Amily well. She had been abnormal in inentality ever since her childhood. Her sister Charlotte had once said that Amily was even stronger than a man in character, and more simple than a child. He name Heathdiff was compounded by the words Heath and Cliff, itself gave the readers a feeling of unfeelingness, which well annotated Amilys abnormal mentality.

Abnormal mentality did good for inducing and enriching the imagination of the auther in some way. Sometimes, Amilys imagination was beyond human nature but urueasenable. That was why she could with the thrilling scene in Mr lockwoods dream, the behainour of Cathiner when she fell ill, and the words full of strong enthusiasm but unimaginable like. They were locked in an embrace from which I thought my mistress would never be released alive.

Amilys abnormal quality decided the thinking way during her creating, but her work was far from abnormal. Withering Heights is a healthy and harmonious work.Love-hetred-Ievenge-the Ievival of huanan natme,that is the clue of the story Cathiner and Heathdiff weIe a coupla of Iebels against the trandition The tragedy happened all because Cathiner didit Iesist thoughout and betraged Heathcliff at the key moment she ruined herself,Heathdiff and nearty the next generation The author portraged Cathiner Ivth a complicated mood she sympathized with her while being angry with her and she feet Sony for her while spurring to her.

The most vivid character in the story was Iepresented by Hindley and he could bear he was tormented by love Catheters contempt and Laughing at him that was what he couldnt bear That the heavy pies sure split his soul explained his cruel and crazyIeuenge.The writing of the novel gave preference to mysterious phenomenon and horrible atmosphere One of the most important fealties was the complexity of the narration structure It broke away from conventions and began from the middle This method of narration was for more attractive.

Among all the characters like the housekeeper Allen most She was never afraid of them she always said and did what she wanted to The most important point is that she was kind hearted and justice.A good book is worthy leading for many tines Withering Heights is not easy to understand but once you understand it you wild wander at the talent of the author.

[读后感推荐] 唐诗读书心得600字(篇四)

静下心阅读一本书的时候,我们就好像进入到了另一个世界一般。大凡成功的人士,他们都和书籍有着不解之缘,阅读作者写的作品后,心中感触颇多,让人忍不住吐露出来,写关于作品的读后感,可以让我们再一次回味这本书籍。我们该如何去写作品的读后感呢?根据大家的需求,小编特意准备了“[读后感推荐] 唐诗读书心得600字(篇四)”,欢迎阅读,希望小编的分享可以为您带来帮助。


墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。其意大致为,在墙旮旯的地方,有几枝梅花正在那儿冒着严寒默默地开着。 墙角,说明梅生长的环境极为偏僻,换言之,就是告诉人们,这几枝梅所处的环境不佳,地位卑微,无人赏识和眷顾,但依然凌寒开放。 凌寒,即迎着严寒,冒着风雪。独自开,即孤独地默默地开放,意在告诉人们,那梅花不仅不择地势和环境,更可贵的是它还不畏严寒,不畏孤独和寂寞,不向严寒低头,不向风雪弯腰,坚韧,倔强,刚强,高洁。




[读书心得借鉴] 老人与海读后感英语壹篇

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。一个人要想获得伟大的成就,就必须多读多思。在认真品味作者写的作品后,相信您收获一定不少,面对作品里的情节、人物,我们需要从相关的角度去分析它。一篇属于自己的作品读后感该怎么写呢?一起来看看小编为大家整理的“[读书心得借鉴] 老人与海读后感英语壹篇”,欢迎阅读,希望能为大家提供一些参考!

I read The old man and the sea when I was in junior middle school. At that time I do not know why the old man persists to take dentuso back. Its so dangerous to fight with sharks. But he did not give up.

But now Im really proud of Santiago. He is so brave and persevering. But a man is not made for defeat he said A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

Santiago was old just as Hemingway said Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated. He think every day is a new day. No matter how old he is. He said Its better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.

Santiago was poor; he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.

Santiago was alone. Mandolin can not go to sea with him because of his parents. He catches fishes alone. He fights with sharks alone. He can talk to nobody except himself. No one will help him.

But even though he faced hungry; weary and difficulty alone, he does not give up.

Somebody said Santiago was a failure. Because at last he said he wishes that it had been a dream and the boy cried for him can really approve it.

In this way I think Santiago was a lucky person. Because he still had Mandolin. The boy loved him and pitied him. If Mandolin had no money his own, he begged or stole to make sure that Santiago had enough to eat and fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepts his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride.

I think Santiago is a hero and he is not a failure. Because catch fish is a part of his life and it is the memory of his mind and he catch a really big fish back at last. The value of his life was completely reflected in the way he catch fish. He is the real winner in his own world.

After I think about this book and Santiago. I realized that Im not brave enough. I can not stay hopeful when I face laugh and indifferent. And I dont have enough courage to do what I want to do. Im so afraid of this world. Im so afraid of the peoples words who speak it behind my back. Im so cowardly and thats the reason I always lose.

Now I know what to do. Dont mind others. Be myself. I need possess the quality of reason and shay cheerful and undefeated. Be kind and happy. Be strong and optimistic.


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