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Every preconceived notion audiences might have about Anaconda is correct. This supposed serpentine shocker features doomed adventurers wading through murky water while a deadly snake approaches and Jaws-like music throbs. The plot retraces a formula employed by countless predecessors to kill off its supporting characters in a predictable sequence. And theres the bad guy with the foreign accent, and the requisite romance between handsome anthropologist and shapely journalist. Its all here, as is an ironic comfort in watching such a well-worn tale from the dark side.

Dr. Steven Cale (Eric Stoltz) is heading down the Amazon in search of an undocumented Indian tribe. Joining him is Terri Flores (Selenas Jennifer Lopez), a filmmaker charged with recording Dr. Cales quest. Ten minutes into their voyage, snaky Paul Sarone (Jon Voight) jumps aboard and commandeers the boat to begin a Captain Ahab-style hunt for his gigantic underwater nemesis: the titular anaconda upon whose nonexistent shoulders this movie rests. Despite satisfactory performances from the cast, the films human characters remain secondary to this nasty snake and the special effects that created it.

Scary, this movie isnt. The faux serpent, albeit an impressive creature, looks wholly unrealistic as it zips through water and air like a Saturday morning cartoon character. And such schlocky touches as the anacondas penchant for regurgitation are more gross (and funny) than frightening. What chills there are spring more from standard stalk-and-startle techniques than from the creepy characteristics associated with snakes. Director Luis Llosa (The Specialist) shot Anaconda in Brazil, and the tropical setting imbues his movie with much-needed authenticity and cinematic richness. Llosa advances the story at an absorbing clip that never bores the audience, and he wisely eschews any high-minded discourse about good and evil. As cheesy, predictable horror flicks go, Anaconda squeezes considerable life from its limited aspirations.








另外,为了和学生拉近距离,我发现学生每次作业本发下之后总是迫不及待的翻开来看。针对这一特点,我每次作业批改完后总是写一些激励性的评语 ,让他们感到老师在关注着他们,让他们对学习充满信心。








绘本因其图文并茂的特点,在提升学生阅读兴趣与培养学生阅读理解能力方面有着十分积极的作用。但是在实际的绘本教学中,老师往往为了深挖字词句和语法分析,面面俱到,精雕细琢。How do you know that? What do you think of this story? What do you learn from this story?这样的追问更是充斥着我们的课堂。殊不知,在一连串的训练与追问下,学生的阅读兴趣早已被蒸发。在侯雅萍老师执教的“Funny fish”一课中,有别于传统的逐图分解讲析方法,教师大胆地采取了整体呈现的方法,首先把故事的文字抹去,让学生看图,大胆猜测故事发展与结局。之后教师用手偶表演故事,然后再让学生自己读故事,用歌谣的形式复述课文,最后再表演故事。这样的设计不仅保持了阅读原有的趣味性和吸引力,同时也培养了学生从感知故事----细读故事----提炼整合关键信息----组织语言----复述故事的完整的阅读策略和方法。



在马宝华老师执教的《Masiy Goes to the Museum》一课中,老师以各国著名的博物馆为主线进行教学;张小琴老师的《It’s fun to jump》以sunny、funny、jump为主线呈现故事。这样的设计不仅勾画了故事结构,同时也培养了学生捕捉信息的能力,提高了阅读效能。


精湛的板书是教师智慧的结晶,也反映了教师驾驭教材的能力。它作为课堂教学的重要组成部分,可以帮助学生理解课文,掌握知识,启发思维。在绘本《Funny fish》的课例中,侯雅萍师删繁就简,在黑板上仅仅板书了小狗用肢体语言表达Funny。看似简单的板书,却高度概括了本课的语言重难点,为学生提供了语言操练的框架,同时也为后面复述课文和语言拓展环节做了很好的铺垫与准备。


读书心得: 小妇人英语读书心得之三

当我们阅读文章产生了理解或者感触时,我们不妨用文字梳理一下的记录下来。一般来说,心得体会就是应用原文做导引,然后发表自己的意见。如何才能写好一篇心得体会呢?以下是小编收集整理的“读书心得: 小妇人英语读书心得之三”,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。

Little woman is an autobiography novel properties with the family, the author is American Alcott.This book was written in four different character marches through their own kind of girl, hardworking and found myself happy story.

Novels have dropped the ups and downs of the rock, no fascinating plot of suspense, but the author use simple language describes marge's family love. Their kindness, love and affection loyalty to deeply touched me. The author describes the details of life is very ordinary, but everywhere to love, reveal the longing for a better life.Marge's girl although home, but they are poor in anything positive and optimistic attitude. They stressed the novel character and dignity, also show their self constraint, and become more independent of the four girls are common characteristics. They are constantly to find their own shortcomings and to correct.

It is also worth everybody study.I liked Meg, like her willingness to love, not for money poverty seduced by the character, like her fair maiden wind. I like Joe, like her, like her dream to strive for the firm determination.

I like beth, like her quiet, do anything without complaining, like she always for others good moral character. I also like Amy, like her strong, the poor as Keats responsibility of poverty. They are not the same fate with the ideal, but they found a better ending.In their opinion, home is their land and sacred shelter. They will listen carefully to the mother's teachings, will use his hands, intelligent nimble invented the brain to another creative mind and beautification of the game. Four sisters growth course is a rich taste of education. The author used neither luxuriant also not boring language shows us a great affection, human friendship and love.

In my opinion, it seems that the four sisters, forever and their love and love their lives together is the happiest thing.From them, I learned to strong, learn to understand content but cannot satisfy, I learned to hope for the future, and never to chasing the dream of optimism, I also learned mustdouble treasures have died, don't wait until they know lost.

We should be careful that everyone has the advantages of not wear blinders only see the faults of others.Meg, Joe, beth, Amy, they four strong, optimistic spirit will be stored in my heart. They smile will remain in my mind, reminding me: be strong, have a pure heart.

读书心得收藏: 《睡蟒边的雪兔》读书笔记600字范文

在日常的学习或者工作中,我们会有一些心得,我们可以用文字的形式表达我们的感受。心得体会是对自己经历的一种反思,心得体会可以写哪些内容呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“读书心得收藏: 《睡蟒边的雪兔》读书笔记600字范文”,仅供您在工作和学习中参考。





[优质读书心得] 格林童话英语读书心得(写作示例)

在我们有了一些新的体会时,我们可以将自己的想法记录下来。总结自己的心得体会能帮助自己认识一个新事物,如何才能写好一篇心得体会呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“[优质读书心得] 格林童话英语读书心得(写作示例)”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

Reading a few days before reading the book , feeling has returned to a teen. This book is the Green Fairy. In my opinion, It is not a mere imagination, It come from folk.

In the other hand, some people say, only read out of childhood to be complete. I think so. From long time to now, He is the children of irrelevance,it is a legend.

Among the students of popular stories include, such as: Cinderella, The princess and the frog and so on.

Cinderella did not receive love, but Cinderella cherish their love, not because people can not give up his love became spiteful. She gave her the love of mother in the talk on, she put her love for birds in the exchanges, in the plant big beautiful tress. Although the Cinderella is in trouble, but he never give up. and hope of the future. Deserve our learning.

The story of Snow white, Make me realize even more clearly: not all people are good, the wicked man will be punished.

Like Snow White in Queen is a good example. She make every attempt, use unscrupulous divisive tactics hurt snow white, the end but to the jealousy and alive,This is the real kind, as the saying goes, the good are well rewarded.。

In my opinion, it is not the story itself, but when we read our thoughts, and after the operation. It made us into a good moral, and social services, and family harmony. Nowadays, our country is striving to build a harmonious society, for people's happiness to create opportunities. This book contains the philosophy, and this idea is similar to this book.

As my university English Writing Textbook page one, which writes, Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man and writing an exact man.

Many works of literature in our lives plays an important role. He is our teacher, our good friends, it is like our life contest of the lighthouse, lead us to success. Its value is not only a book price, It is the life precious wealth.

Although the future is very difficult, but we have to admit defeat a heart, it is my eternal power struggle.

Right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, which makes me sober. Also want to read that you are inspired somewhat, this book is worth reading. Believe it or not.

Thats all, thank you.







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