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作品的读后感是怎么写的呢?作者写的作品在阅读时引发了我的共情。 阅读后的反思和总结,是对自己心灵的深入体验,本文的核心思想是关于与“英语读书笔记简短”相关的讨论,更多信息请继续关注我们的网站!

英语读书笔记简短 篇1


After reading Jane Eyre,I think Jane is a very great woman.She is very intelligent,honest,plain-featured young girl forced to contend with oppression inequality and hardship.Although she meets with a series of individuals,who threaten her autonomy,Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice,human dignity and morality.She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment.Her strong belief in gender and social equality challenge the Victorian prejudices against women and the poor.I admire her very much.In my opinion ,she is a pride of humans.And another main character in the novel is Edward Rochester.As Jane's employer and the master of Thornfield,Rochesteris a wealthy ,enthusiastic man with a dark secret.What's more he is very unconventional,to interact with Jane frankly an directly,he can put aside everything he possessed.

I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of CharlottoBronte.Although the story is made up ,the heroine and people's life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around the experience.Charlotte Bronte described a young girl's struggling life to express her inner thought :everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender.

In the actual fact,Jane Eyre wasn't pretty,even herself knows that,and of course,the ordinary aooearance make others have bad opinion on her.However,in my mind,a person's beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming.If his or her mind isn't the same noble as the appearance,beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time,only a person's great virtue,a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty.

Jane Eyre's story makes me think about future life and I learn much from her experiences,I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs ,regardless of one's status and the situation he is in.

英语读书笔记简短 篇2


读书报告题目3号字,正文小4号字。英文字体为times new roman

i. introduction (about 200 words)

in the introduction part, information about the book, the author, and his times should be covered. a brief account of the author’s life should be given together with a description of his times. the latter should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book.

ii. the story or a summary of the book (about 200 words)

a summary should be self-contained, clear and easy to understand. (they can be left to the third part.) the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, or sometimes in the tense of the original work.

in this part, the writer expresses his or her own views on the book, names its merits and demerits, and discusses its relevance to the present time. the discussion should of course center on the content of the book, the author’s style and techniques of writing, if interesting, can also be touched upon.

英语读书笔记简短 篇3





英语读书笔记简短 篇4

看完一本名著后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,记录下来很重要哦,一起来写一篇读后感吧。那么你真的懂得怎么写读后感吗?以下是小编为大家收集的The happy prince读后感英文版,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

Recently I read a fairytale-《TheHappy Prince》. Its author is Oscar Wilde, he waswell-known as an Irish-born playwright, novelist, essayist and poet. The son ofa brilliant surgeon, he was among the outstanding Victorian dramatists. He lefta lot of valuable works for people, and among them, 《TheHappy Prince》 is the most famous one.

Before reading it, I thought about thequestion-what’s the Prince’s happiness? At first I thought it must be aromantic love between the prince and princess. However, it turned out to be asad story. The prince loved others so much that he devoted everything to thethe happiness of the poor. I was deeply moved by his pure heart.

This book mainly tells the story between the prince and the swallow. Theyare the symbols of truth, goodness and beauty. As a matter of fact, the princeis just a statue standing high above the city. When he was alive, he was ahappy prince living in the palace of Sans-Souci and he didn’t know what tears were.Now as a statue, his body was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold,for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on hissword-hilt. After seeing all the ugliness and all the misery of the city, hewas deeply grievedby the sufferingsofthepoor people.The littleswallow was going to Egypt to enjoy the warm spring. He was touched by theprince’s goodness. Therefore he chose to stay with the prince and became themessenger of the prince. They helped the poor together by giving the ruby,sapphires and all the golden leaves from the Prince’s body. Finally, the poorwere saved and lived a happy life. To the contrary, the swallow died of coldand his body was thrown on a dust-heap and the prince became very dull andshabby, so the statue was pulled down and his leaden heart was thrown togetherwith the swallow. But the dead bird and the leaden heart were chosen as themost precious things in the world by the god. So maybe they would be togetherwith each other in the heaven and live a happy life again.

The prince is a very helpful, kind andselfless person in the story. He is willing to give everything he had to thepoor. The story is divided into four parts to show the prince’s dedication. In thefirst part, the prince saw a thin and worn woman seated at the table. She wasbusy working on a gown for the queen’s maids-of-honor. Her little boy is seriouslyill. So the prince begged the little swallow to give the woman his ruby. In thesecond part, the prince saw a young man in a cold, shabby house trying tofinish a play for the director of the theatre. He was too cold and hungry towrite any more. The prince asked for the swallow to give him his sapphire. Inthe third part, the prince saw a poor little match girl crying, because shespoiled her matches. Her father would beat her if she didn’t bring home somemoney. So once again, the prince requested the little swallow to give heranother sapphire. Then the prince became totally blind. In spite of that, inthe fourth part, the prince made the swallow to tell him what life peoplelived. Then he asked the swallow to give all his golden leaves to the poor. Afterthat he became so ugly, just like a beggar.

The swallow is very faithful, caring inmy opinion. He also sacrificed himselffor the benefits of others. But his selfless acts were inspired by the happyprince. His love to the prince was great and touching. It was the swallow whospread the love and kindness of the prince to the poor. So he was as great asthe happy prince. He was waited for in Egypt by his companions, where he couldenjoy the warm spring, the beautiful scenery and live a happy life. But he wasfilled with pity to the prince. At first, he refused prince’s offer threetimes, but finally he chose to help the prince. In addition, when the princebecame blind, he didn't go to Egypt but stay with the prince regardless of thechill winter. Finally, he died in the city.

In the story, many contrasts are used. Atfirst, the statue of the prince was admired by many people, especially the councilor.But at last, when the statue became shabby, it was mercilessly pulled down by people.The author compared the prince and the swallow with some people such as the councilor,the mayor and the queen’s maids-of-honor. He praised the kindness, selflessnessof the former and satirized the indifference and selfishness of the latter. Theauthor also compared the poor to the rich. It reflected the society of thetime. The poor worked hard, but they lived a hard life. The rich always bled peopleand enjoyed themselves.

Do well and have well. Although thedead bird and the leaden heart of the prince were thrown on the dust-heap, theywere considered as the most precious things in the city by god. Mostimportantly, they had a happy ending.

"The Happy Prince" is amoving and provoking tale about love and sacrifice. The language of the storyis both extremely beautiful and sad. This book attracts many readers with itsflexuous plot, exquisite language, and vivid characters. Oscar Wilde brings us abeautiful feast. At the same time, he inspires us to think the moral and lifephilosophy deeply.

Oscar Wilde is an outstanding aesthete.He emphasizes human’s soul and body should be combined into one. You are onlybeautiful when you have a beautiful soul. Nothing in the world is morebeautiful than a kind heart. So the happy prince and the swallow are therepresentatives of real beauty. In the end of the story, Oscar Wilde’saesthetic ideas are fully expressed. He thinks only beautiful things have thevalue of existence and beauty is eternal. The happy prince and the swallow arebrought into paradise by the angel. So they will stay in the paradisepermanently.

“The Happy Prince” embodies both theaestheticism and realism. It is a good book to purify people’s heart. Your willbe beautiful when your heart is full of love. So we should learn to create abeautiful world with love.

英语读书笔记简短 篇5

本节课教师采用了“任务型”教学途径进行教学,本篇阅读文章是老版英语教材当中的一片文章,题目是《The lost book》。


其次,本节课的教师由浅入深地设计了三个主要任务:首先教师出示图片,让学生们猜测这篇文章的内容;其次,教师让学生们先不要阅读文章的末尾,猜测这篇文章的结尾How did her lost book return to the library?最后,教师设置情境:来自于澳大利亚的同学要在我们学校学习,对于这些只懂很少汉语的同学来说怎么能到图书馆看书呢?用英语设计librayrules。实践证明,有思考性的“情景”练习是英语教学中训练学生创新思维最有效的手段之一。因此,本节课的教师在教学过程中注重巧设练习,从生活实际出发,设计了一些开放性的情境,这样不仅可以开发学生的思路,发挥学生的潜在学习能力,还能培养学生的创新素质和学习兴趣。其实,本节课的每个任务均有较充分的信息资料输入,有帮助学生们完成任务的一系列活动设计和指令。在实施任务的过程中,活动形式多样,既有双人活动,又有小组活动,既有课内活动,又有课外延伸活动,既有口头任务,也有笔头任务,有效地培养了学生合作式学习和探究式学习的精神。活动内容促进了学科间的渗透和交融,使知识的学习与能力的培养结合起来。


英语读书笔记简短 篇6
























24、项目总结、会议纪要和支撑材料(能证明实施效果的图片、视频等材料),答辩PPT 注:每个小组所提供材料的字体,间距等格式一致,其他不做统一要求。















英语读书笔记简短 篇7









英语读书笔记简短 篇8











































不久前又看了一遍《哈姆雷特》,对人物有了一些新的认识。这个故事让我明白了,奥菲利亚只能如一条自生自灭的小船,能让她从容美丽的香消玉损,已经是作者的仁慈了。在那样的时代,在那个特定的典型的环境里。 奥菲利亚的命运只能维系在王子身上!王子爱她,至少曾经爱过。她也确信王子爱她。连她的哥哥、父亲都看得出来。可是,王子背负着替父报仇,为母雪耻,为国除害的大任!这些都比对一个女人的爱情来的重要!他在复仇的火海中挣扎,他在叔叔一次又一次的构陷中抗争,他在对母亲的失望中奋斗,他在对周围人的围追堵截中,像个猎豹一样左躲右闪,伺机反攻,这一切,让他没有时间再去关心爱情,关心一个爱着她的女人。





英语读书笔记简短 篇9

Walden is a masterpiece written by Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), who was born in Concord, Massachusetts. The age he lived had witnessed the flourish of capitalism as well as the prosperity of industrialization and urbanization. During the 19th century, the American economy developed at so fast rate that most people were bound up in pursuing the material satisfaction , while ingored the spiritual life to a great extent. But Thoreau was quite different from other people, he disdained the modern civilization and attached more importance to the spirit than the material. He thought many people of his time lived in a non-human-like modern society and many modern appliances, such as trains and telegraphs, had done harm to people's harmonious life peace and also broken the relationship between human and nature.

In order to prove that without the modern instruments , people can also live a happy life, in 1845, he moved into a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond and live there alone for two years to get close to the nature .Walden, is the famous book mainly talks about his life and thoughts during those days living in the woods .

Thoreau was so happy with the life living near the lake of Walden that he felt it a sweet grace to have the nature' accompany and even the sounds of rain and the sights around his house were full of sincere friendship. In his eyes, the nature was an intimate friend of him and all things in the nature were lively and vivacious. And all kinds of animals in the wood, such as field mouses, robins and wild rabbits were amicably treated and regarded as his adorable companions. He even thought that plants were also had the right to live equal with human beings. Just because of this, he even blamed himself for hitting chestnut trees with stones. From many words or sentences, we can easily feel Thoreau's deep love and care towards nature.

Besides, Thoreau was a pioneering nature lover, who called on people to stop destorying nature but protect it by setting himself an example to others. The consciousness of the environmental protection is becoming more and more important in our modern society, while the whole world is trapped in some serious ecological crisises resulting from hunting and killing animals, cutting down trees and polluting the rivers for pursuit of human beings' own interests. We all have the common sense that the number of wildlife is decreasing, the area of lake is shrinking, and the water is not clear any more. What's worse, environment problems such as globe warming, climate change and air and water pollution are deteriorating during the commercial process . So it's high time that we should realize we never be the dominator of the whole world conquring nature, but should spare no efforts to improve the environment right away. That is, we should comply with the natural laws, make reasonable utilization of natural resources and keep the harmonious development between the society and the environment. Only in this way will we has an opportunity to embrace a bright future and achieve a sustainable society .

In the book, Walden, Thoreau not only advocated the protection of nature, but also encourage people to comprehend and return to nature. He told us using his own experience that by living a simple life close to nature, we human beings will find out the true value of life and significance of existence.

After reading the book, what impressed me most is the description of the fascinating scenery around the Walden pound, especially these sentences: "A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. The fluviatile trees next the shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around are its overhanging brows". To Thoreau, the Walden lake is like a charming and melting girl , who has slender eyelashes and likes to dress herself in different beautiful clothes with the changes of different seasons.

Every morning after getting up, Thoreau would have a bath in the Walden lake to start a new day. After that, he used to wander around the pond and refresh himself with the fresh air. In summer days , he cultivated a piece of land and growed beans, blackberries, johnsworts and the like. The depiction of his leisure rurality spontaneously reminds me of Tao Yuanming, the famous Chinese poet, who lived in the Jin Dynasty and made his life meaningful by returning to the nature and perfecting himself. If Thoreau and Tao Yuanming lived in the same period and place, they would probably become best friends.

From the book, we know that during the years when Thoreau lived near the Walden, he did not completely isolate himself from the outside world. Sometimes he went to the town and did odd jobs and would receive visitors and friends in his cabin at times. As I mention before, the intention for his living in the woods was that he wanted to teach people how to live a simple life, achieve enjoyment from the nature, free oneself from the strained daily life and what is more important is to reevaluate the value of social life.

Thoreau's though of enjoying a simple life has a more realistic significance and have become a valuable spiritual wealth in our modern society. With the development of the material civilization, people's desires are swelling limitlessly and many people are busy with the pursuit of wealth and luxurious life by any means, including at the expense of nature. However, even in the society materially affluent and technologically advanced , people are not be more happier than those people who lived centuries ago, but even feel less satisfactory and complaint more about their present life as a result of having unbounded desires of getting more and better. Therefore, many people who possess a lat have become slaves of machine, working more but do not have the ability to enjoy what they have.

In the book Walden, Thoreau had realize this problem several hundreds ago. Thus, he set his mind to give a enlightenment to awake people and encourage them to live a simple life. His thoughts have great similarity with the belief of our Chinese humanism, that is, the meaning of life lies in the sane and healthy enjoyment of a simple life. In fact, Thoreau and his teacher and friend Emerson praised highly on Confucianism and both them benefited a lot from it. I am very happy to see the interlinked place between Chinese culture and western culture.

Reading this book is like having a tranquil steam flow through my heart, washing the dust in my mind. It teaches me how to keep a pure spirit in the complex society, set proper goals for my life as well as enjoy the endows of nature. In short, I feel it quite worthwhile to read the book Walden. I sincerely hope more and more people would like to read this book and receive benefits from it .

英语读书笔记简短 篇10
















英语读书笔记简短 篇11

作为一个活动,至少应该包含三个环节:1任务布置,2学生个体或合作完成任务,3 活动反馈


第一节 阅读理解活动的表现形式

一 基本事实信息的理解(主要指显性信息:文本直接表达的)

1 识别








4 演示



5 图解










1 匹配 多为段落与段落主题的匹配。另一种是将两篇文章的段落打乱,然后让学生将打乱的段落与所给段落匹配。

2 改错 根据文章的主题改正摘要。

3 主题表达 可以直接回答问题,也可以是填充图表。



第二节 分析与综合




1)要素分析 指能够区分阅读材料的组成要素,表现为能够划分文章的篇章结构,分析主题句、结论句。

2)关系分析 包括文章中各要素之间的关系、段落之间的关系以及句子之间的关系,单词的指代关系也属于关系分析的范畴。

2 分析活动的表现形式

1)排序 考察学生对文章的逻辑关系的识别






1阅读中的综合 只能够将文章的整个组成部分按照一种新的逻辑组合成一个整体,包括写作、创作、表达个人经验、制定计划和操作程序、构建假说、阐述一种观念、对阅读材料进行概括等。

1)创作类综合 根据阅读材料所进行的写作、方案设计等。创作要求有新的语境、心得与暗色的缴入,要求学生将新学材料整合到已有经验之中。

2)概要类综合 指为所阅读材料撰写概要。

3)再现类综合 改写。 在日常教学中,教师安排的根据图片、核心短语或句型的提示所进行的复述既是一种信息再现活动,也属于综合活动。

4)运用类综合 书信或新闻报道的方式重组课文信息。

2 综合活动的表现形式:写概要、新闻报道、回忆、角色演讲、采访汇报。

英语读书笔记简短 篇12


"Last leaf" This article is my "Children's Literature" on the see. When I finished reading the article, I who had a deep admiration for the artist's talent and the kind of self-sacrificing spirit.

What happened was this: So a good friend of Jones, unfortunately, contracted pneumonia, in their residence out of the window there is a cluster of ivy, through the baptism of wind and rain, and its leaves have disappeared into obscurity. Jones think when the last one leaves off the ivy-ray later, her life, coming to an end. SO this can not be racking their brains to dispel the idea of her, only to the downstairs, Mr. Berman for help. Berman is a painter, he knew that after a wet and windy night, in the ivy leaves off the light, when girls think that their certain death, when the old painter to allow girls to rekindle the fire of hope, he braved the wind and rain to leaves painted on the wall, for which he contracted pneumonia and died.

Read it, tears blurred my eyes, I thought of how great the old painter. Him, an ordinary painter, in order to save itself has to give up on a girl, paid with his life. I seem to see the face of it after he leaves unfinished a brilliant smile. He finally has had his wish. That is, he hopes to complete his Jingshizhizuo during their lifetime. It seems to me that he did. I think if he were alive, he would think so.

From the bottom of my heart I admire Mr. Berman, as well as the psychological Jones previously was sad. When people can not give up hope. Like our class a female classmate, she was very confident of their own. In a jumping goat, her teachers and fellow students rely on the constant encouragement, she finally jumped in the past. So, in our side, also need, as Mr. Berman did for our people to keep lit the fire of hope. In this way, our lives would flourishing.

From each of a small matter, every word from the language, one from each eye, we are little by little to build our self-confidence. Therefore, we must be careful to do things, talk, do not give up someone else's confidence. A people do not have self-confidence, nothing can be done.

When reading this article, I have been wondering: Why, Mr. Berman will be death? Because I did not know he was to die in order to draw a leaf, but did not know what was actually his paintings to their work. Until I saw the words of the last paragraph of the article. This is what the Soviet Union to the friends said, she said: "There are some things I must tell you, white mouse (Jones), Mr. Rae Mann died of pneumonia in the hospital today. He only sick for two days. The first day of the morning, to see found the door in his room very sick. His shoes and clothes were soaked, and cold Speranskia tuberculata did not know he was doing in that wind and rain the night went, only found a lantern, still lit; There is obviously just used a ladder; have a few to throw on one side of the brush; a Nianman yellow, green, two kinds of mixed-color palette, as well as … … my dear, you look out the window bar, wall ivy leaf on that last one! you not think Mody? Why wind and rain it does have a motionless? Oh. Dear Mr. Berman Jingshizhizuo this is That night, when the last leaf to fall, He took it painted on the wall. "


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